Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Designer/Architect: Douglas Coupland
Duration: Nov 2013 - Aug 2016
Scope: Soheil Mosun Limited was contracted to realize this public art piece by the famous Canadian novelist, artist and one of Canada's foremost cultural figures, Douglas Coupland. Our scope of work was to design engineer, fabricate and install this sculpture named The Golden Tree. The Golden Tree is an exact replica of the famous Stanley Park landmark known as the Hollow Tree, which still stands today and is estimated to now be approximately 1000 years old. The sculpture was commissioned by Intracorp Developments and installed on their MC2 project site at the corner of Cambie and Main Streets in Vancouver, as part of the City of Vancouver's public art program.
Highlights: The tree stands approximately 42'-0" from grade, weighs 35,000 lbs and is approximately 20'-0" in diameter at the base. The structural component inside the tree is fabricated from galvanized steel. The outer skin is fabricated from 1/4" fiberglass with a field repairable UV resistant, metallic gold paint with a durable clear coat.